The Center on Media and Child Health publishes an electronic newsletter called Media Health Matters. The October 2014 edition contained tips to help parents understand when their children could be being cyberbullied. The phenomenon itself has received much attention in mainstream media. However the tips for spotting cyberbullying have not been.
Children are often reluctant to tell parents that they have been cyberbullied because they fear reprisals or criticism. Here are some tips offered by the Center that may help start a dialog. Look out for these warning signs, says the Center:
- Becoming upset or sad after using the internet or mobile phone
- Avoiding talking about computer or cell phone use.
- Withdrawing from family, friends, and activities that they typically enjoy
- A sudden or gradual drop in grades
- Not wanting to go to school or specific activities, especially when peer groups are involved
- Changes in behavior, attitude, sleep, appetite or showing signs of depression or anxiety.
For more information, read their entire article on Cyberbullying.
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